
Owning the Kitchen: Basic Cooking Skills
The Freshman 15 is no myth. Bad eating habits and new college students go together like peanut butter and jelly. And there are several key reasons why. First off, those…
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Tips for Landing That First Entry-Level Job
Are you done with restaurant gigs? Want to do some work experimentation with a part-time job in the field you’re pursuing? Or maybe you’re about to graduate and want to…
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Best Budgeting Tools
It’s no secret that the public school system typically fails when it comes to teaching personal finance and budgeting. Ironically, we live in an age in which personal finance skills…
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Take Advantage of a Long Break
With winter break fast approaching, you likely fall in one of two camps — you either know exactly what you’re going to do or you have no idea. One of…
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5 Important Sleep Tips for College Students
When you’re in your early college years, there is simply so many things to do and it can easily feel like there is not enough time to do it all…
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Not Sure About Your New Apartment? Open Things Up With These Tricks
Welcome to your new home at the Cottages of Fort Collins! The goal of our construction was to create spacious, beautiful alternatives to traditional on-campus living situations. That said, as…
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